About — Reach Paris
Reach Paris



our mission

We want to see Paris transformed by the Gospel in EVERY pocket of society: from atheists to Muslims, fashion designers to engineers, and locals to refugees. We have a heart for EVERYONE who makes up this diverse city. We desire for believers to come together in a city-wide movement to transform Paris with the Gospel.

Goal 2030 100 new Gospel initiatives in unreached pockets of society.


Our Values

We are prayerfully seeking individuals who will be an excellent match with the culture and values of our team. Building a strong team in both vision and unity of spirit is of the utmost importance.
We are committed to:



We work together to encourage, pray for, and strengthen each other to be lights wherever God plants us.



We learn both individually and together as a team in our ongoing pursuit of understanding French culture, speaking the French language and working toward best practices in ministry.


Servant Leadership

We strive together to be servant-leaders as we cheer on and cultivate leadership skills in our teammates. We are willing to mentor others and be mentored.


Outward Focus

We recognize we cannot and should not try to reach this city alone. We will continuously seek out other missions, churches, and local Christians for like-minded partnerships.



We come to this task with a deep sense of humility. Jesus Christ is the true leader of the Paris City Team and we work together, in humble obedience, for HIM!


Our mission organization


Our team serves under ReachGlobal, the international arm of the Evangelical Free Church of America.
Our Mission: Multiplying transformational churches among all people

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