Get Involved
There are many ways to get involved with the ReachParis City team, such as summer APEX trips, internships, and long-term career service. Let’s talk about how God may be leading you.
Although we maintain and update an ongoing list of opportunities to serve, we want to start with YOU. What are YOUR gifts, talents, and passions? We will take our time to get to know you to design the best fit FOR YOU. You can find some current opportunities below:
Compassion and Justice
IT and Media
Sports and Teaching
Creative Outreach
Music and the Arts
Church Planting and Discipleship
Research and Partnership Development
Logistics, Leadership, and Administration
Demographics of PARIS
French Locals and the Diaspora
Atheists and Muslims
Refugees and Immigrants
The Poor and Homeless
Youth and University Students
Middle Easterners and North Africans

OUR DIFFERENT Lengths of Service
Come and See
Short Term (1-6 weeks)
Come get a taste of what it is like to serve overseas. Join a vision trip, help with an English Camp, or apply to APEX.
Come and Grow
Internship (1-2 years)
Coming for 1-2 years will give you a better idea of what it’s like to serve in Paris. During your time here you will do a homestay, learn the French language and culture, study best practices in ministry with the team, and serve in ministry contexts that allow you to use the gifts God has given you.
Come and Stay
Long Term Service (2+ years)
We are looking for dedicated long-term team members who have a vision for the Paris region. In addition to all of the areas of service, we are also seeking pioneers and leaders to open new areas of service and expand our leadership team.
Long term service will begin with learning the French language and culture, which includes a potential homestay. All long-term staff will also participate in cycles of team learning for best practices in ministry and spiritual transformation.
Current Opportunities
+ Paris City Team Liaison
Share in churches and build partnerships in the States on behalf of the Paris City Team.
+ English Teacher
Teach English to children and/or adults for a small church plant team that desires to build relationships with unbelievers in a suburb of Paris that currently has no other protestant church.
+ Engagement with Homeless Women
Share the love of Christ with a consortium of four churches trying to make an impact in their community by welcoming homeless women two times a week for rest and a meal.
+ Mentor young adults
Partner with a group of young adults who desire to share the good news through street evangelism and starting small seeker Bible studies.
+ Creative Outreach and Church Planting
Work with church planters, pastors, and missionaries who have a heart for finding creative ways to reach out to the lost.
+ Musical and Sports Outreach
Use your musical or sport talents to share your faith.
+ Tea Room Ministry
Work with other French Christians and missionaries to welcome seekers for a time to discuss apologetics, pray, or have a Bible study.
+ Local Partnerships
If you are a follower of Jesus Christ who is seeking to partner with a team or network of local churches, contact us! We are constantly building relationships with churches and organizations in an effort to aid Gospel work that is already being done or is just getting started.