My Journey to Paris

If you’ve read my other articles, you might already know that my first impression of Paris was not a favorable one. After touring several European countries with my high school orchestra, I left France with something akin to a commitment that I would never return.

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Kathy Keller
Such Joy

I first met him at the discovery Bible course that I helped lead last year.  Surfing online, he came across this class where he could hear more about what the Bible teaches. 

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Kathy Keller
Do You Love Them?

I was able to attend two conferences in the last couple of months. One was for the Diaspora in Europe and the other was a type of Church Planting School for ReachGlobal Europe.  

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Kathy Keller
La Fête de la Musique

When I first saw a poster at my church looking for singers for The Day of Music (Fête de la Musique) I wasn't even sure what it was, so I went to a friend and asked about it.

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Kathy Keller